- On completion of this chapter the student will have mastered the following objectives.
- Be able to define the term cardiac, myocardium, electrocardiogram (ECG), “heart rate”, depolarization, repolarization, arrhythmia, Sinus Rhythm, & aberrant conduction
- Name the heart’s four chambers.
- Be able to define the stages of cardiac circulation.
- Be able to define the components of the cardiac electrical conduction system.
- Be able to calculate timing intervals on the ECG graph paper.
- Be able to define the components of the electrocardiogram (ECG).
- Be able to correlate the ECG graph waves with the physical cardiac cycle.
- Be able to identify the two basic cardiac monitoring leads.
- Be able to define the five steps necessary to interpret cardiac rhythms.
- Be able to calculate heart rates by three different methods.
- Be able to list the qualities required for a sinus rhythm to occur.
- Be able to define Sinus Tachycardia, Sinus Bradycardia, Sinus Arrhythmia.
- Be able to list the qualities found in various abnormal cardiac rhythms, and identify each abnormality in the rhythm strip.
- Be able to define the term ectopic site, bigeminy, trigeminy, unifocal & multifocal PAC’s.
- Be able to pick out the proper medical interventions for the various atrial arrhythmias.
- Be able to determine the difference between a Low, Middle & High junctional ectopic site.
- Be able to pick out the proper medical intervention for the various junctional arrhythmias.
- Know the normal width for ‘QRS’ complexes.
- Be able to pick out the proper medical interventions for junctional arrhythmias.
- Be able to determine the underlying rhythm that is pacing the ventricles in a Third Degree Atrioventricular block.
- Be able to pick out the proper medical interventions for the various atrio-ventricular arrhythmias.
- Be able to recognize the various aberrant ‘QRS’ complex morphologies & the various ventricular ‘QRS’ complex morphologies.
- Be able to list the various ECG qualities that indicate the presence of aberrant conduction & the presence of ventricular beats.
- Be able to pick out the qualities found in each of the following abnormal cardiac rhythms, and identify each abnormality in a rhythm strip: Sinus Exit Block, Sinus Pause (Arrest)
- Be able to pick out the proper medical intervention for sinus exit blocks and pauses.
(100 pages)
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